We walked around the grounds and then Yvrose took us a short distance to see the fields where they are to grow corn. The corn is on a container, on a ship in Port au Prince - it has been there since December. One of the ongoing prayers we have had, and continue to have, is that the last signature needed to free up this container will happen. The man who doesn't want to sign is hoping to get a bribe - it is one of the hard things about Haiti - ongoing corruption, corruption that hurts its own people.
After we left the farm, we headed to the orphanage to hang out with the kids. It was a sweet day, but the kids knew we would be leaving soon - they were clinging to us and wanting to be held. We were only able to stay a couple of hours because the kids had a special program that they would be putting on for us that evening and we had to give them some time to prepare.
We went back to the compound and ate a delicious cabbage soup and headed back to Yvrose's for the closing program. When we arrived, Florkencia took me by the hand and led me to a special chair that she picked. All of the kids did that - we felt so honored to be seated by our special friends. It was getting dark outside and all of the kids lined up in rows and began to sing to us. Listen to the audio below of their singing. After they sang, and we cried, several of the older kids came out and played instruments. Yvrose had taught them how to play. It was precious.
After the program, we loaded up into our vehicles and the kids ran to the gate and cried as we pulled away. We did too.
*although you can't see the children, just listen to them sing*
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